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At Violet's we use the wonderful Dermalogica skin care range as the treatments can be tailored to meet your individual needs

Prescriptive Facial


Treatment time - 60 mins

A revolutionary treatment that is customised at every step by your therapist. Based on the Dermalogica face mapping analysis each treatment is unique to each individual client by using
Dermalogica’s botanical mixers. This treatment includes deep cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, steam, masque and touch therapy

Express Facial


Treatment time - 30 mins

If you are in a hurry but feel your skin needs brightening up then this is ideal;
we will cleanse, exfoliate, masque and moisturise

Power Regeneration Facial


Recommended course of six £286

Treatment time - 60 mins

A powerful treatment if you are concerned with the signs of aging on your skin. Ideal for prematurely-aging, dry or sun damaged skin. Combined vitamin and hydroxyl acid exfoliation, energising massage techniques that release tension in the facial muscles and Dermalogica’s specialised contour masque makes this the ultimate in skin therapy.
Your skin will be noticeably firmer, smoother and revived

Medicated Clearing Facial


Recommended course of six £237

Treatment time - 60 mins

This is the ultimate in acne management. It targets current blemishes, while helping to prevent future breakout activity. We will create a treatment customised to purify and combat congestion. Homecare is vital with this treatment to get the required results.

Skin Brightening Facial


Treatment time - 60 mins

Balance uneven pigmentation caused by hormonal imbalance, UV exposure and
pregnancy. The facial combined with proper home care actually regulates pigment production on a cellular level and helps balance the complexion.

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